The only satisfactory place that exist. Maybe it's due the fact that it's the only place that exist. If you wish something, you wish it in reality. If it reminds you something, you remember it from a past reality. If you imagine something, well, you got inspired by reality. Our mind is just a real reality interpreter, so, if we lose our mind we lose the connexion with the infinity reality and got stocked in the mesmerized finite fake reality from our mind, one of the most unsatisfactory places the exist.
The unanimous approval seekers. Like to fight against the others. Need a slap at the back everyday by the equals, in order to be happy. Equals are everyone who are better than one, and others are everyone who is worse the one. But the equals who don't approve one's ego become others.
Mostly known by the impossible nonsense that is the undiscovered experience that it means. The actual unicorn myth of humans. We say we search for freedom when our life is just too comfortable and we rather have something to complain about. Those who really need freedom don't have the freedom to seek for freedom, and those who have freedom call it other names.
Human spirit's language. But it's human and not real, therefore art is unsatisfactory and created in order to look for equals approval. However art, unlike human existence, makes we feel good. Usually prescribed for those who seek freedom.
Has nothing to do with humans, except that some humans adopt it as a kind of art from reality. Recommendable for human's health, except when use for bad (then is recommendable for the planet's health).
Kind of art that makes human's science portable to be generated during free time moments. Extremely dangerous for human's health. Don't do it while driving, using machines, operating elevators, running, talking, drinking, taking photographs, watching TV, sleeping and studying. If you can't avoid it, make sure that you have a place to write it on, otherwise it can blow your mind. Making Philosophy is good to pretend that one is not human, keeping one in the non real places like minds and pieces of art.
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